Linux Online Training with placement assistance

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Linux Online Training with placement assistance

Course Overview

LINUX Online Training Course Content:

Introduction to Linux

What is Linux?

Then What is Unix?

A Graphical View of Unix History

Brief Linux History

Linux System Construction

Comparing Linux to Unix

Comparing Linux to Windows/DOS

Various Linux Distributions

Common Linux Resources

Installing Linux

Hardware Requirements

What You Need Before Installing

The Install Process

Getting Started

Logging In

Basic Linux Commands

Using Online Help

Restarting and Shutting Down Linux

The X Window System

Overview of the X Window System

Configuring X to Start Manually

Starting X Manually

Starting X Automatically

Working with Windows and Menus

Customizing the X Interface

Adding/Removing Shortcuts

Modifying the Gnome Panel

The Shell Environment

Kernel/Shell Relationship

Types of Shells

Getting to a Command Prompt

Executing a Shell

Changing the Default Shell


The Shell as a Programming Environment

The Bash Shell

The Home Directory

Startup Files

Variables Revisited

Accessing Previous Commands-History

Command Completion

Colors in a Command Line

Linux Commands

Shell Command Syntax

The MESG Command

Writing Active Users

Printing Files

Defining and Creating Aliases

The Linux File System

The Linux File System Standard (FSSTND)

File System Structure

Linux Directory Structure

Navigating from the Command Line

Viewing Files/Directories in X

Viewing Files/Directories from the Command Line

Using Wildcard Characters

Redirection and Pipes

Standard Input and Output

Standard Output Redirection

Standard Input Redirection

Simultaneous Redirection


Organizing Files

The Touch Command

Creating Directories

Deleting Files and Directories

Copying and Moving Files and Directories

Moving and Renaming

Creating Links to a File

Organizing Files and Directories in X

File/Directory Permissions

What are Permissions?

The CHMOD Command

The UMASK Command

The CHOWN Command

Changing Permissions in X

Working with Applications and Packages

Installing: The Traditional Unix Method

Installing: The Linux Package Method (RPM)

Working with Text Documents and Editors

Viewing and Editing Text Files in X

Viewing Text Files from the Command Line

Editing Text Files from the Command Line

Using the Pico Editor

The VIM Editor

Deleting and Changing Text

Using Floppies and CDs

Mounting/Unmouting File systems


Auto mounting in X

Power User Utilities

Regular Expressions


Locating Files from the Command Line

Locating Files from Within X

The GREP Command

Determining Disk Usage

The WC Command

The SORT Command

The UNIQ Command

Network Utilities

The Control Panel Network Configuration

Networking Commands from the Shell

The /ETC/Hosts File

Process Management

Listing Processes from Within Gnome

Listing Processes from the Command Line

Killing Processes from Within Gnome

Killing Processes from the Command Line

Background Mode Operation (&)

Installation, Initialization, and Shutdown

The Boot Process and Boot PROM

User and Software Package Administration

System Security and Remote Connection

Process Control

File Systems, Files, and Directories

Disk Configuration

Backup and Recovery

vi Editor and Command Syntax

LP Print Service

Practice Exam

Lesson Detail:

Installation, Initialization, and Shutdown

Selected system administrator terms

Requirements and preparation for installation

Software and configuration clusters

System configuration to be installed

Disk storage systems

Device drivers

Installing the Solaris 8 software

Power on and booting the system

System run states

Init phase

Stopping and starting services with control scripts

System shutdown

The Boot Process and Boot PROM

OpenBoot environment

OpenBoot architecture

OpenBoot interface

PROM full device names

OpenBoot device aliases

OpenBoot non-volatile RAM (NVRAM)

OpenBoot security

OpenBoot diagnostics

Input and output control



User and Software Package Administration

Adding user accounts with Admintool

Managing user accounts with Admintool

Managing users from the command line

User initialization files

Home directories and name services

Managing software

Listing and spooling software packages

Adding and removing software

Software patches

System Security and Remote Connection

Physical security

Controlling system access

Storing user account information

Controlling file access

Permission schemes for user and group IDs

Access Control Lists (ACLs)

Managing ACL entries

Setting path and identification permission

Monitoring users and system usage

Obtaining login information

Using firewalls and securing network services

Other network security methods

Remote system operations and the trusted host

Restricting FTP

Restricting root access

Monitoring superuser access

Automated Security Enhancement Tool (ASET)

Process Control

Viewing a process

The pgrep and prstat commands

Process Manager

Using signals

Scheduling processes

The crontab command

The at command

syslog and other logs

File Systems, Files, and Directories

A file system defined

Solaris file system types

Disk slices

Creating slices with the format utility

Parts of a UFS file system

Creating a UFS file system

Custom file system parameters

File system operations

Mounting file systems

Displaying mounted file systems

Constructing a file system

Tuning file systems

Options for mounting a file system

Unmounting a file system

Volume Manager

Modifying devices with the Volume Manager

Troubleshooting media devices

Information on file systems

Disk Configuration

Device drivers

Physical device names

Device auto-configuration

Instance names

Transparent configurations

Major and minor device numbers

Logical device names

Virtual volume management

Metadevices and drivers

StorEdge Volume Manager

Backup and Recovery

Backup media and utilities

The tar command

The dd command

The cpio command

The pax command

The ufsdump command

The ufsrestore command

Recovering file systems

Vi Editor and Command Syntax

Shell script basics

Selecting a shell to use

Bourne shell variables

Bourne shell built-ins and conditionals

The if and case conditionals

Repeated-action commands and functions

LP Print Service

The Solaris LP print service

The print spooler and LP daemons

Printer hardware

Printer software

Print servers

Creating printer classes

Managing printers with GUI tools

Routine printer tasks

Checking printer status

Managing user access to printers

Managing printer queues

Practice Exam

System concepts

The boot PROM


Initialization and shutdown

User administration


Process control

File systems

Files and directories

The boot process

Disk configuration

Backup and recovery

Basic command syntax

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Upcoming Batch Schedule For Online Linux Admin Trainings

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12/28/2024 Online Class Enroll Now
1/9/2025 Online Class Enroll Now
2/26/2025 Online Class Enroll Now

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